About Us
“The Constitution only guarantees the American people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself.”
~Benjamin Franklin
​The engine of the American economy is the middle class. The success of the middle class rests in the fluidity of its structure – the ease at which individuals are able to advance up the American social hierarchy. The American social hierarchy is dependent on a number of variables, including occupation, skill, income, and education, among others. Caught between the working class and the upper class, the Middling Sort are middle class professionals and tradesman eager to advance their status through the pursuit of the principles outlined in the U.S Constitution, while laying the groundwork for the betterment of those that follow. Uneasy with remaining idle, the Middling Sort seek to advance their profession, skill, or trade by sharing their ideas and knowledge through a network of like-minded individuals. This blog provides a platform for the Middling Sort to voice those ideas.

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